Data centers, as the backbone of the digital world, are becoming increasingly complex. From security to sustainability, energy management to AI-driven automation, evolving technologies and strategies are essential for industry leaders to gain a competitive edge.

To address these challenges, advanced conference sessions have been designed exclusively for industry professionals, offering insights into the latest trends shaping modern data center leadership.

Strategic Management & Optimization: Discover how to make modern data center operations more efficient and scalable.

AI & Automation: Achieve operational excellence with intelligent data center management.

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability: Invest in the future with green technologies and low-carbon solutions.

Security & Risk Management: Learn how to make data centers more resilient against next-generation threats.

Innovation & Future Trends: Gain insights into cutting-edge technologies and disruptive innovations shaping the future of data centers.

Energy Solutions

A Carbon-Free Future for Data Centers: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy Management

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Energy Solutions

Data Center Cooling Systems: Waste Heat Reutilization (Carbon Reduction)

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Cooling Solutions

Innovative Liquid Cooling Technologies in Data Centers

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Cooling Solutions

Hyperscale Data Center Cooling Solutions (Hybrid Solutions)

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Data Center Automation Solutions

The Age of Full Automation: Artificial Intelligence Supported Data Center Management


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Data Storage and Saving Solutions

Smart Data Management: More Storage, Less Consumption


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IT Infrastructure Solutions

The Backbone of Digital Ecosystems: Flexibility and Resilience in IT Infrastructure


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Cyber ​​Security

Cyber ​​Security in Data Centers: Preventive Solutions and Regulations Compliance Against Future Threats


Dr. Emrah Elmas

Data Centers Infrastructure Monitoring (DCIM) Solutions

A New Era in Data Center Visibility: Comprehensive Management and Optimization with DCIM


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Edge Computing and IoT Data Centers

Does the spread of 5G and IoT technologies require data centers to move away from centralized structures and focus on edge computing solutions?


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Data Center Management with Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Artificial Intelligence in Data Centers: New Horizons in Energy and Workload Management


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Data Resiliency and Reliability for Businesses

Data Privacy and Regulatory Compliance

Zero Trust Approach to Data Privacy


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Fire Control Systems

Zero Risk in Data Centers: Smart Fire Detection and Prevention Technologies


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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Recovery Plans and Protocols After a Cyber ​​Attack


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Data Center Manpower and Training Needs

Training Programs and Certifications in Human Factor and Data Center Management in the Midst of Technological Revolutions


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Program details and speakers will be announced in the coming days.